Thursday, November 8, 2012

Jetson Electronic Bike

Jetson is manufactures what is being dubbed the most green electric bicycle ever. They are building these bikes to match both the need for reliable transport source and also to match your style. It does not matter if you are a student or a professional you will look cool when you are on this bike. The best part is you never have to waste any valuable hours of your day at a gas station filling up.

The Jetson E-bike is very easy to use. You just charge the battery, then you insert it into the bike and you hop on and ride away. You do not have to use too much energy to get where you want to go. The bike will take you every single place you need to be. The doctors, work, for a date, just cruising the countryside and even to your next class on campus. There is one other perk that is associated with owning an electronic bike, you do not need to have a license, nor license plates and you never have to worry about getting ticketed by the police. 

It comes with a removable Lithium Ion Battery that charges very quickly in less than four hours. Your dashboard has an LCD monitor that has the speed you are travelling it, keeps track of your voltage usage as well as your whole lighting system. All the functions on there are easy to use, just flick a switch or push a button and you are good to go. It runs on a 500W motor that is attached to the back wheel. The brake system is also fitted to your back wheel and it is super responsive.

Do not panic if the voltage meter starts to show that your battery is running low. You can simply start pedalling and that will automatically begin charging your battery. Each full charge goes for about 40 miles and each battery has a lifetime warranty charge of 1,000 battery charges. This ebike is very cost effective, each charge will cost about $0.05 cents. This means for just a full dollar you can travel at least one thousand miles. MacDonalds dollar menu has nothing on this e-bike.

You can leave your ebike locked up safetly on any bike rack, it has locks on both the front and back. There is also a lock that secures stuff to your seat, should you need to carry any stuff on your bike. The Jetson Ebike is currently available in eight core colors which are black, white, silver, pink, blue, red, green and lime. There is also four funky colors which are yellow, purple, hot pink and bright green. These bikes are available online for just $1,800 each.

You can buy your ebike online at their website - Click here

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